Exclusive Interview with Daviid

Woozworld 10 was launched two years ago and Woozens have been so creative with all the new possibilities made possible by the series of updates developers designed. One Woozen has got to our attention to all: Daviid. Daviid has been known for creating and building amazing game Unitz. I’m sure you’ve heard about Candyland already? Nah?!! Where have you been these past months?? Anyway here’s the interview of this worldwide known Woozen!

The WoozInterview

VENATUS: When did you join Woozworld? Do you remember the first event you ever attended and/or participated in?

DAVIID: I joined 11 years ago!! tbh i dont remember much haha sorry.

VENATUS: What has been your favourite event(s) on Woozworld?

DAVIID:  The desert event for sure!

VENATUS: You’re a major game creator and host on the English speaking server, how do you get your inspiration?

DAVIID:  I get my inspiration from the players 🙂

VENATUS: Have you ever been helping developers of the game or any member of the staff? If so, how did it go?

DAVIID: yeah, we talk all the time! the development team is really nice and attentive to their audience

VENATUS: What did you think of Woozworld 10 at the time? And what do you think about it now?

DAVIID:  i think woozworld 10 was the best thing to happen to ww actually

VENATUS: What’s your favourite game to host and/or play?

DAVIID: right now my favorite game to host is Candyland (bc i dont have to do anything) my fav to play is bad news / good news

VENATUS: How would you describe your experience in the game since you joined it?

DAVIID: my experience i’d say is mostly positive, i’ve had some bad interactions but they pale in comparison to the good memories

VENATUS: What do you do IRL?

DAVIID:  I mostly just be studying, babysitting, and eating good lol

VENATUS: Any favourite tv show to recommend? Favourite movie? Favourite game?

DAVIID: my favorite game is genshin impact 🙂

Thank you so much for answering my questions! And thank you for your incredible GOOD impact on the community, just know that you have inspired so many game creators/hosts throughout every server!! x

Read more Interviews

Interview Exclusive vaulx-en-velin

Inventeur des Woozcars, animateur de jeux entre Woozens pendant des années, WoozGuide de la première vague, réalisateur de courts-métrages pour le jeu, créateur d’Unitz à n’en plus finir, co-fondateur du site inkredible.fr, Bêta Testeur de Woozworld 10 & maintenant animateur d’enchères. Retour sur un Woozen hors du commun!

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